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Slipping back to your old eating habits when you are trying to lose weight is defined as a relapse. This can make you lose your confidence and undermine all your hard work... Thing to remember is that this a normal part of learning and behaviour change. So just take some time out and stop and think how you can prevent same thing happening again.Questions you can ask yourself? • What worked well for me before? • Why did it work? • What were my reasons for stopping this plan or approach?
Chronic pain has been linked with weight gain so by eating a healthy well-balanced diet your pain can be managed better Good food can improve the function of the nervous, immune and hormones systems directly impacting on your pain experiences Losing weight or maintain your ideal weight can reduce the load on your joints and reduce inflammationFood intake and your weight can help lower risks of chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, mental health occurring same time as chronic pain 3
Tasting new fruit and vegetables If you find it hard to try new fruit and vegetables why not try using a new psychological technique called EXPOSURE which is recommended for young children in the national MEND programme. Exposure means getting to try a new food 10-15 times before you actually start to eat more of it.Steps of exposure technique: • select a new type of fruit or vegetable that you want to try to start eating, cut the food into small bite size pieces, • Then hold the food, look
Do you snack? : · While you’re cooking? Or tasting food while you are cooking! · Working at your desk? · Watching TV in between mealtimes? · Even when you’re not hungry? · In the car on the way to and from work? You may not even realise that you are snacking and wonder why you are trying everything with your diet but not losing weight. Then when you sit down to eat your main meal you are not hungry. One way to check, is to write down as you go along everyt
It is normal to have good and bad moods What and how we eat can help affect our mood Starchy foods found in bread cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes beans can help with concentration and give us slow-release energy Protein foods found in meat, fish, chicken, eggs beans, lentils, dairy food helps our body make the happy hormone serotonin Fruit and vegetables provide us with vitamins and minerals which help keep mood happy with colour and variety Food high in sugar found in sweets, sweet biscuits, cak
Your immune system is the body’s way of fighting off inflammation and disease causing organisms that can attack your body regularly. "While no single food will upgrade your immune system, poor nutrition can have a negative effect on the immune system. What counts is having a balanced diet. Just about everyone could stand to eat more fruits and vegetables. They're rich in vitamins and minerals that are good for you. If you’re thinking about getting supplements to cover your nutritional needs, che
People choose plant based diet because they maybe concerned about the environment, treatment of animals, just like the taste or its just fashionable. A vegan diet excludes all meat and animal products( meat, poultry, fish, sea food, dairy and eggs) whereas vegetarian diet excludes meat, poultry, fish and sea food . Plant based diets are rich in beans, nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables, whole grains e, g rice oats, cereals, breads and pasta. A good varied, well balanced plant based diet can offer
Affairs are usually not good for us. They are temporary, quick fix, appear attractive, pamper to your weaknesses, addiction and can be costly. Why not make a more permanent change with your food and lifestyle by having a healthy marriage with food. Which means a long term healthy ,loving happy union with variety, enjoyment and occasional unhealthy within safe rules and boundaries. 10 reasons Why you may have food affairs by following Fad diets?; > Quick solutions >You think it will raise your se
Here's a ten good habits that I am aware of during Ramadan fasting: 1.I learnt to eat mindfully- sitting with family/friends, chewing well, eating slowly, being grateful and aware of every mouthful because when i ate fast i suffered with indigestion and heartburn. 2.I planned my meals to help me stay in control and look forward to breaking iftar and beginning sehri my fast, 3.Eat healthy filling foods which were high in dietary fibre and low in fat and free sugars to avoid developing constipatio
New study provides experimental evidence that late eating may increase hunger, obesity risk. Obesity afflicts approximately 42 percent of the U.S. adult population and contributes to the onset of chronic diseases, including diabetes, cancer, and other conditions. Besides the extra calories, eating too close to bedtime can have other health implications such as digestive issues. When sleeping, our digestion naturally slows down as our metabolism enters a resting state. Lying down in bed immediate
Did you know that a pint of Lager contains the same calories as a slice of chocolate cake? Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram and these calories have no nutritional value. The calorie content increases with any mixers you add to your drink, such as juice or sugary soft drinks. Alcohol can also make you feel hungry, as it lowers your blood sugar levels. Make sure you do not exceed the recommended 1-2 units a day for men and women. Revised UK C M O chief medical officer's guidelines dept of hea
How long do New Year's resolutions last? Of the 63% of UK adults who failed to keep a New Year's resolution, here is how long their last broken one lasted, percent 86 % Less than a year 66% One month or less 80% Less than three months 43% Not even a month Of the 63% of UK adults who failed to keep a New Year's resolution, here is how long their last broken one lasted, percent Guardian graphic Source: Bupa/ComRes (November 2015)
Making Food changes to promote weight loss seems to be more effective than Physical activity. The answer to weight loss is that you eat fewer calories than you burn. Most people find this easier than to burn more calories through exercise. However exercise can support you to burn even more calories than eating fewer calories alone provided you can manage your appetite for unhealthy food and introduce healthy food. Crash diets may work for you in the short - term but 6 months after you stop you a
Wikipedia quote: "Self-monitoring is defined as a personality trait that refers to an ability to regulate behavior to accommodate social situations. People concerned with their expressive self-presentation tend to closely monitor their audience in order to ensure appropriate or desired public appearances. Self-monitors try to understand how individuals and groups will perceive their actions. Some personality types commonly act spontaneously and others are more apt to purposely control and consci
Digestion is the breakdown of food into simpler forms by a chemical and mechanical process. The food that you eat is broken down into simple building blocks which your body can use for many functions e.g breathing, movement and thinking. Just the smell, sight and thought of food can start the process which begins in the brain. The brain signals your stomach to make juices in preparation to receive food. Your mouth and teeth breakdown the food by chewing and the enzymes in your saliva digest the
How can drinking water help with weight loss? Stops you craving for salty and sweet food Helps you recognize the difference between hunger and thirst Increases your metabolism Keeps your eating on track, drink water first when you feel hungry if the stomach is still growling, grumbling and gurgling after 15 minutes then it’s hunger It’s calorie free Identifying dehydration Lack of fluid intake, thirst, dizziness, headache, fatigue, Clumsiness, falling, aching joints, drowsiness, changes in menta
I was in Spain for holiday and enjoyed the full benefits of a Mediterranean diet (MD) and lifestyle for just one week. Regular family meals, walks and a full Mediterranean diet made me feel so good that I decided to do this blog for you. Eating olive oil, fish and fruit and vegetables reduces the risk of dying young by nine per cent, a study has revealed. And as well as cutting cancer and heart disease rates, the foods lower the chance of developing Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease by 13 per
Menopause affect each women differently and in different ways. The body uses energy differently and women find they may gain weight . As a menopausal women ,You may experience changes in heart health, body shape and physical function . There are three stages of menopause : Stage 1.Peri-menopause - time leading to menopause Stage 2.menopause when you have gone without a period for 12 months in a row and occurs when you have stopped producing hormones that cause your menstrual period. Hot flushes,
Eating too much salt can increase your risk of developing high blood pressure which is a risk factor for heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, stroke and more recently obesity. Normal blood pressure 120 mm Hg/80 mm Hg PRE-hypertension 120-139 mm Hg/80-89 mm Hg Hypertension-140-159 mm Hg/90-99 mm Hg stage 1 Whilst salt is not a direct cause of obesity it is a major influencing factor through its effect on soft drink consumption. Salt makes you thirsty and increases the amount of fluid you drink
"Well planned vegetarian meal can be both nutritious and healthy. They have been associated with lower risks of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, certain types of cancer and lower blood cholesterol levels" B DA "A National Cancer Institute study of 500,000 people found that those who ate the most red meat daily were 30 percent more likely to die of any cause during a 10-year period than were those who ate the least amount of red meat. Sausage, luncheon meats and other processed meats als
"Water is a basic nutrient of the human body and is critical to human life” World Health Organization - Water Sanitation and Health (W S H). Body contains 60% water and our brain about 90%. NHS choices "To stay healthy, it's important to replace the fluid we lose when we breath, sweat or urinate. We get some fluid from our food but most comes from drinks. The European Food Safety Authority recommends that women should drink about 1.6 litres of fluid and men should drink about 2.0 litres of flui
Going safely vegetarian If you are thinking of going vegetarian here is some information you need to know and understand to help you enjoy the benefits and ensure you are eating a nutritious and complete diet Pros and cons Myths and benefits Pros: health benefits , sustainable , ecological, environment friendly, less land and water use, less phosphate fertilizers, less green house emissions, in UK vegan diets just need 1/3 land , water and energy. Beneficial for planet Cons: Expensive , risk of
Preventing and managing your stress short-term or long term can lower your risk of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure and depression. You can reduce stress by planning ahead and creating a new self-care routine which works realistically for you. To take care of your body here are 5 ways: Practice daily meditation , take deep breaths and stretch Eat healthy, well-balanced meals Exercise regularly as far as possible Get plenty of sleep Avoid excess alcohol , smoking , caffeine and subst