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The last few days have been a dizzying whirlwind as our families, along with countless others across Los Angeles, have had to evacuate from wildfires fueled by hurricane-strength winds and fires. Our heart goes out to those who have lost their homes, been displaced, and evacuated. While the devastat
Buy Four Tuina Appointments and get the fifth FREE Tuina offer is with Dr. Shannon at the Santa Monica clinic or Albert Vaca, L.Ac., at the Pasadena Clinic. Experience the healing power of Therapeutic Tuina Bodywork – a time-tested, holistic approach to wellness that will leave you feeling r
Osteoporosis is the condition of losing bone faster than we make it. “Osteo” means bone and “porosis” means porous or full of holes that describe the interior appearance of osteoporotic bones. Our bones are living tissue: when we are young, our body makes bone faster than it breaks down, and the abi
Nourished by this beautiful Swiss setting and inspired by Dr. Mao, we will explore time-tested meditative exercises reaching the core of life, receive gentle coaching in our contemplative experiences, and exchange meaningfully in the warmth of our retreat group. Using I Ching, feng shui, and tai chi
BUILDING IMMUNITY Keep your tummy warm. Get at least seven hours of quality sleep every night. Manage stress with exercise, meditation, journaling, yoga, and talking with friends. Don't smoke. Adequate hydration supports healthy immunity. Eat whole plants, including vegetables, fruit, n
According to Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE), 32 million Americans are affected by food allergies. One in 10 adults and one in every 13 children are severely affected, while roughly two children in every classroom suffer from food allergies that are troubling and stressful to teachers, pa
Wellbeing in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is viewed as keeping the body’s mental, emotional and physical components in balance in order to engender a state of peace, calm and happiness, and freedom from discomfort, pain, or illness. From a western medicinal perspective, a healthy body regul
If you have pain that keeps you from doing your daily activities, have you considered an anti-inflammatory diet? Such a diet, now the focus of many cookbooks, can help combat inflammation that may be at the root of pain experienced in the joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Fortunately, there a
By Tao of Wellness It's normal for us to feel tension in our bodies now and then, but when the tension does not go away, it can affect our quality of life. It can give us chronic pain that makes it difficult to sleep, exercise, or makes us cranky. It is important to understand how this tension occu
BOOSTING NUTRITION Eat breakfast every day. Swap fish for red meat. Be kind to your stomach; chew your food. Less is enough; more is probably too much! Avoid eating on the run; gulping interferes with digestion. Dine in a quiet, tranquil atmosphere. Sit down when you eat. Savor your
We have spent the month of March talking about detoxification for better health. As we expel toxins, our body’s natural, healthy functioning improves, we age slower, have more energy, experience less pain, and are more efficient at fighting disease. We also look and feel better. Today let’s talk a
Unlock Tension Unclench your jaw. Relax your shoulders. Stretch. Breathe. Meditate. Journal to release thoughts and emotions that are making you anxious. Manage Thoughts Negativity affects our behavior. Empower yourself with “I am strong,” or “I am grateful.” Let go of minor disappoi
February is American Heart Month, which focuses on cardiovascular health. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in this country. Because it is an organ that can mean the difference between life or death, we need to make certain that the heart gets some well-deserved atte
BRAIN HEALTH Get at least seven hours of sleep every night. Remember that whatever is good for the heart is also good for the brain. Engage in physical exercise three to five days a week. Avoid or limit alcohol and recreational drugs. Do not smoke; maintain a healthy weight. Control bloo
Stress Release Commit to some form of exercise, every single day. Carry a water bottle with you for detoxification. Pay attention to scents, colors, and shadows. Lighten your load; streamline your list of “must-do” activities. Schedule an hour or a time, for only you! Ask for help.
Nearly all civilizations acknowledge that the heart is the most important organ in the human body. Both eastern and western medicine has a long history of heart research, but they each developed their own points of view of heart function based upon their interpretation of its function. Interestingly
Regrow, Revitalize and Regenerate - Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain APRIL 27 - MAY 1, 2022 with an optional class day on April 26th, 2022 The Royal Way Spiritual Center, The Ranch 8088 High Road, Lucerne Valley, CA 92356 $100.00 OFF until January 31, 2022 Welcome to the 2022 Colle
Scents Consider incense, a scented candle, or essential oils. Relax in a fragrant bubble bath. Brew an aromatic cup of herbal tea. Force daffodil or hyacinth bulbs indoors and watch them grow. Plant Double Delight or Mr. Lincoln roses outdoors for summertime scent. Mother Nature
Take a deep breath. Now take another one. Notice where your breath starts. In your chest? In your abdomen? Notice how you feel. When I first learned the simple technique of abdominal breathing, I hadn’t noticed that most of my day, I had been breathing shallowly. If you have ever watched a baby br
How to Determine Target Heart Rate A target heart rate during exercise is different for different people; it depends on what our body is capable of, our previous levels of training, and our age. We want to stay within 50 to 85 percent of our maximum heart rate which is about 220 minus our age. E
Once in a while, nearly everyone gets constipated. It happens occasionally when we’re traveling or off our usual schedule, but some people are constipated nearly all the time. Everyone is different, some people poop several times a day while others only have a bowel movement every couple of days. As
The beginning of fall brings a palpable change in the weather, cooling down, and much-needed relief from the scorching heat of the summer. This summer was the hottest on record for Europe and China since record-keeping began in 1880.     Lucky for me and the participants
IMPROVE HEART HEALTH Share your family medical history with your health care provider. Pay attention to dental health. Plan meals in advance. Bring a list when shopping for heart-healthy foods. Take a quick nap in the middle of the day to lower stress. Consider tai chi to improve cardiov