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Culture & Art
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Several years ago, Cal Newport of Deep Work fame recommended that I read Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman. The first few chapters hooked me, and I devoured it over 48 hours or so, capturing hundreds of Kindle highlights in the process.
The book, tentatively titled THE NO BOOK, is a blueprint for how to get everything you want by saying no to everything you don’t. Perhaps surprising, given the title, it’s likely the most positive and life-affirming book I’ve ever written.
Interview with Danny Hillis and Kevin Kelly on The Tim Ferriss Show podcast!
This blog post is a very special holiday edition of 5-Bullet Friday, my very own email newsletter! This edition highlights 12 things I love, all of which make great holiday gifts.I dislike shopping, but I do love finding the perfect gift. Finding that gift, though, gets harder with time.
(Photo: Shawn Perez) I did this publicly once before in 2014, and someone recently messaged to say that it changed their life, so we’re doing it again! Your 30 days can start whenever you see this post, so don't worry about missing the 1st. You know who you are, you filthy animals.
In my mid-twenties, my wife Kate and I were living in a tiny apartment in Seattle. I was working in a ski shop to make ends meet. There were a lot of voices in my head telling me how I had screwed up the familiar patterns of school and job...
In this short and very tactical episode, I share some of my personal methods for how to get out of a rut, re-aim yourself at big outcomes, and make progress on a daily basis, despite the self-defeating tendencies that we all have.
“For the last couple of years, producer Shaina Shealy has been following Israeli and Palestinian peace activists who have been coming together to drink the psychedelic brew ayahuasca in an effort to heal their collective intergenerational trauma. It seemed to be helping them when suddenly the region erupts into chaos and violence.”
In the midst of a weekly ship cycle, it’s hard to escape the collective pull of algo chasing, thumbnail tweaking, and details long enough to zoom out. The waters have been churning at a fever pitch, ever changing and ever faster. When you’re inside the washing machine, it’s very hard to step out and get perspective.
New Random Show! Lessons from Tim’s Sabbatical! Alzheimer's Breakthroughs! Kevin Tries a Medium! And More!