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Reporter: Pauline Caballero 1. Top 10 Trends in Software Development Software development is constantly changing, with new trends and technologies emerging every year. Here are some of the top 10 trends that are shaping the software development industry in 2020: • Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important in the software development process. AI-driven software can help automate processes, detect patterns, and provide insights into data. • Microservices Architecture: Microservices architecture is a way of developing software that focuses on breaking down applications into small, independent services. This allows for easier scalability and quicker development times. • Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular in software development, as it allows applications to be hosted in remote servers and accessed from anywhere. • Containers: Containers are a way of packaging applications so that they can run in any environment without needing to be re-configured. This makes deployment easier and faster. • Serverless Computing: Serverless computing is a way of running applications without the need for a dedicated server. This can help reduce costs and increase scalability. • DevOps: DevOps is an approach to software

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module: add --experimental-strip-types by marco-ippolito · Pull Request #53725 · nodejs/node · GitHub

It is possible to execute TypeScript files by setting the experimental flag --experimental-strip-types. Node.js will transpile TypeScript source code into JavaScript source code. During the transpilation process, no type checking is performed, and types are discarded. Roadmap Refs: nodejs/loaders#217 Motivation I believe enabling users to execute TypeScript files is crucial to move the ecosystem forward, it has been requested on all the surveys, and it simply cannot be ignored. We must acknowledge users want to run node foo.ts without installing external dependencies or loaders. There is a TC39 proposal for type annotations Why type stripping Type stripping as the name suggest, means removing all the types, transform the input in a JavaScript module. const foo: string = "foo"; Becomes: const foo = "foo"; Other runtimes also perform transformation of some TypeScript only features into JavaScript, for example enums, which do not exists in JavaScript. At least initially in this PR no trasformation is performed, meaning that using Enum, namespaces etc... will not be possible. Why I chose @swc/wasm-typescript Because of simplicity. I have considered other tools but they require either rust or go to be added to the toolchain. @swc/wasm-typescript its a small package with a wasm and a js file to bind it. Swc is currently used by Deno for the same purpose, it's battle tested. In the future I see this being implemented in native layer. Massive shoutout to @kdy1 for releasing a swc version for us. ⚠️ Refer to the PR changes in typescript.md for implementation details and limitations.