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* "Gap Inc. CEO Art Peck on the State of Retail" (August 2018) * "Gap Inc. CEO Art Peck Talks About the Future of Retail" (November 2018) * "Gap Inc. CEO Art Peck on the Company's Digital Transformation" (May 2019) * "Gap Inc. CEO Art Peck Talks About the Growing Impact of Technology on Retail" (July 2019) * "Gap Inc. CEO Art Peck on the Future of Fashion Retail" (September 2019) * "Gap Inc.'s Art Peck: 'We're Not Just Surviving, We're Thriving in the Digital Age'" (October 2020) * "Gap Inc. CEO Art Peck on the Company's Transformation and Growth" (November 2020) * "Gap Inc. CEO Art Peck on How the Company Is Adapting to the Changing Retail Landscape" (December 2020) * "Gap Inc. CEO Art Peck on the Impact of the Pandemic on Retail" (January 2021) * "Gap Inc. CEO Art Peck on the Evolution of the Company's Retail Strategy" (February 2021)