Science & Technology
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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
1. Scientists Uncover 'Another Genius' Trait: Empathy In a new study, scientists have found that people with higher levels of general intelligence, or “genius-level” intelligence, also have strong emotional empathy. The study, which was conducted by the University of Cambridge, suggests that the two traits are intertwined and that the capacity for empathy is an integral part of genius-level intelligence. The research team used data from a large-scale survey of more than 500,000 people in the US and the UK to measure the degree to which participants reported feeling empathy and how it correlated with their IQ scores. The results showed that those who scored higher on the IQ test were more likely to report feeling empathy. 2. What Makes a Genius? Experts Weigh In What makes someone a genius? It’s a question that has been pondered by experts for centuries. But according to a new study from researchers at the University of Cambridge, there is a particular combination of traits that can be found in those considered geniuses. The study found that geniuses tend to have higher levels of general intelligence, as well as strong emotional empathy and creativity. They also have a unique ability to take in and process information quickly,
I suspect that most teachers already know about this, but it occurred to me recently that I don’t think I’ve ever blogged about a mobile app that has been critical to my teaching…
Once you develop this skill, you’ll be unstoppable. Meetings, interviews, chance encounters—they all become opportunities to shine. You won’t just speak—you’ll lead, you’ll inspire, and you’ll connect with people in a way that feels natural, confident, and compelling.
One recipient of the 2024 MacArthur Foundation award derided Princeton for not publicizing the pro-Palestinian comments she made when asked her reaction to getting the coveted call. Numerous academics are among the 22 fellows who received an $800,000 grant from the MacArthur Foundation on Tuesday, which they can spend over the next five years on a project of their choosing. Commonly known as the “genius” grant, the award is typically cause for celebration and pride among both winners and their affiliated institutions. But in at least one case this year, the announcement sparked a moment of conflict stemming from the discord that’s played out on college campuses since the Israel-Hamas war began a year ago.
The world of education is continually susceptible to hoaxes, frauds, and panaceas. The media pounces on miracle schools, miraculous teachers, and methods that turn every student into a genius. Tom Ultican, retired teacher of physics and advanced math in California, cannot tolerate scams and overblown claims. His latest commentary is about "the science of learning,"…
Écouter Tricherie (Cheating) de Learn French with daily podcasts. Une jeune fille de 17 ans en Chine, saluée comme un génie lors d'un concours de mathématiques, a triché, ont déclaré les organisateurs de la compétition, mettant fin à des mois de scepticisme concernant ses résultats exceptionnels.Traduction:A 17-year-old girl in China hailed as a genius in a mathematics contest cheated, competition organisers have said - ending months of scepticism over her stellar results.
Tyler Perry is a highly successful American actor and filmmaker. He is the mastermind and actor behind the well-known and tough as nails elderly female character known as Madea, and the genius behind 17 feature films, 20 stage plays, and 7 well-received T.V. shows. Not to mention he’s a New York Times best-selling author, the […]