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1. Scientists create 3D-printed microscope for low-resource settings This article discusses a new 3D-printed microscope developed by scientists from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. The microscope is designed for use in low-resource settings and is made from plastic and off-the-shelf components. It is low-cost, easy to assemble, and can be used to identify bacteria and parasites, making it a valuable tool in the fight against disease. It could also be used in the classroom to help teach students about the basics of microscopy. 2. A new microscope gives scientists the power to see at the nanoscale This article discusses a new type of microscope developed by scientists at the University of Cambridge. The microscope is capable of resolving features down to a nanometer scale, allowing scientists to view objects and phenomena at a much smaller level than ever before. It could have applications in the fields of biomedicine, drug design, and materials science. 3. Scientists develop a microscope that can see inside the brain This article discusses a new type of microscope developed by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley. The microscope is capable of imaging the brain at a much higher resolution than conventional methods, allowing scientists to