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News (June 15, 2020) The Paradox of Progress: How Innovation Can Lead to Inequality. In this article from The New York Times, author David Leonhardt examines how technological advances and economic growth can lead to greater inequality. He argues that while these advances bring great benefit to some, they also lead to a widening gap between the haves and the have-nots. Leonhardt examines the history of inequality and how it has been impacted by technological advances, and he offers solutions to addressing the issue. (April 28, 2020) The Paradox of Privacy: Why Privacy Matters More Than Ever. In this article from The Conversation, author Leonie Tanczer discusses the paradoxical nature of privacy in the digital age. She argues that despite the increased access to data and technology that has come with the digital age, people are more concerned than ever about their privacy. Tanczer examines the various challenges posed by the digital age and how they heighten our need for privacy. (May 13, 2020) The Paradox of Fake News: How to Combat Misinformation. In this article from The Guardian, author Julia Carrie Wong examines the paradox of fake news in the digital age. She argues that while the internet has provided a platform