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Businesses and inventors are constantly learning about new trends in the patent world in order to stay ahead of the competition. There are a number of news sources, articles, and videos that can provide valuable information about patents and the patent system. Below is a list of resources to help you stay up-to-date on the latest patent news, articles, and videos. • USPTO News – The USPTO’s website contains news and updates on the latest patent laws, policies, and initiatives. • Patently-O – Patently-O is a blog that provides comprehensive analysis of U.S. patent law, with a focus on patent litigation, patent prosecution, and patent policy. • IPWatchdog – IPWatchdog is an online publication dedicated to covering intellectual property issues. Their blog is regularly updated with articles on patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other IP topics. • Patent Docs – Patent Docs is an online patent resource that provides patent analysis, commentary, and education. • American Bar Association – The ABA’s website provides resources for intellectual property professionals, including news, events, and legal updates. • Patentopolis – Patentopolis is

There Is No Formula For Success. We Need To Prepare For Luck. | Digital Tonto

The French writer Albert Camus believed our existence was absurd. He compared the human condition to Sisyphus, the mythical Greek king condemned to roll a boulder uphill, only to see it roll back down, for eternity. Incredibly, Camus imagines Sisyphus, returning to his labors at the foot of the mountain, as happy, having found meaning in his task. That is the nature of existential rebellion, to find meaning for yourself in a universe that provides none. In two decades researching innovation, transformation and change, one constant I have found is that you can’t control your luck. Anything can happen. “Sure things” often fail while low-probability events occur all the time. Bill Haley performed “Rock Around The Clock,” because it spoke to him, even over the objections of the record labels. He had no way of knowing it would be a hit for the ages. In a similar way, Einstein pursued physics as a clerk at the Swiss patent office to answer his own questions. Anti-corruption activists worked for years in Ukraine—at great risk to themselves—when it seemed pointless or even, absurd. Yet it is not hard to imagine Haley joyfully jamming away, even if incredible fortune had not smiled on him, and that Einstein would have lived a fulfilling life even if his miracle year had never happened. Activists like Dasia Kaleniuk and Vitaliy Shabunin continue to investigate corruption in Ukraine, even while being subjected to vicious attacks. It is a simple truth that we can’t control our luck and luck greatly influences our successes and failures. But we can pursue meaning in things that we define ourselves—an idea, family, justice, compassion or anything else. Or, as the mathematician G.H. Hardy put it, “The case for my life, then… is this: that I have added something…”