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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
1. "The Benefits of Working From Home" by Inc. 2. "7 Productivity Tips for Working From Home" by Entrepreneur 3. "15 Productivity Hacks to Get More Done in Less Time" by Skillcrush 4. "How to Make Working From Home Actually Work" by Forbes 5. "How to Stay Productive When Working From Home" by The Muse 6. "The Science of Productivity: What the Research Says" by Harvard Business Review 7. "How to Manage Your Time at Home" by The New York Times 8. "The Best Productivity Habits to Adopt Now" by Lifehack 9. "The Top Productivity Tools for Working From Home" by The Guardian 10. "5 Tips for Staying Productive and Sane While Working From Home" by Fast Company
Wtiting on the MSNBC website, experienced journalist Molly Jong-Fast says that women can't risk another Trump term. The issue that will be decisive, she believes, is reproductive rights. Women had them for 50 years, then Trump's Supreme Court abolished them. Never before has the Supreme Court taken rights away. She writes: In 2016, in her…
Join Kasey Bell for this new workshop and discover practical strategies to reclaim your time and beat overwhelm! Learn how to plan a productive day, prioritize tasks, and save hours every week with proven strategies designed for busy educators. Start your year in control and focused on what matters most!
Administrators at IU Indianapolis created a facilitation guide to assist in conversations with faculty members about improving course completion rates. The guide will be implemented in several departments starting this term. When addressing institutional barriers to student success, achieving buy-in and helping practitioners feel supported in initiatives is critical in changing campus culture. At Indiana University, Indianapolis, the university established a goal in its July 2023 strategic plan to improve course completion rates among 100- and 200-level courses where only 80 percent of students were passing the class.
Struggling with constant classroom disruptions? Learn practical, proven strategies to minimize interruptions and keep students focused in this FREE live training from Teach 4 the Heart. Discover why students aren’t listening, how to regain their respect, and effective classroom management techniques that work. Sign up now and take the first step toward a calmer, more productive classroom!
By Al Kingsley, CEO, NetSupport. Teachers know that giving students more freedom — by enabling greater choice and agency — unlocks engagement and better outcomes. Decades of research backs this idea up. Still, there’s value to structure in a classroom. How then, can teachers balance maintaining a level of control that steers productive learning with giving students […]