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1. 5 Easy, No-Bake Filling Recipes This article from Taste of Home offers five easy, no-bake filling recipes that are perfect for pies, tarts, and other desserts. The recipes include creamy peanut butter, chocolate mousse, cream cheese and cherry, cream cheese and pineapple, and banana cream. Each recipe is simple and requires minimal ingredients and time. 2. How to Make a Perfect Pie Filling This article from Allrecipes.com provides instructions on how to make a perfect pie filling. It explains the importance of using the right ingredients and the proper technique to ensure a thick and creamy, delicious pie filling. The article also offers tips on using fresh or frozen fruit, sweetening the filling, and other helpful hints. 3. Video: How to Make a Fruit Filling This video from Allrecipes.com shows how to make a delicious and simple fruit filling for pies and tarts. The video provides step-by-step instructions, as well as tips for selecting the right type of fruit, preparing the filling, and baking it. The video also includes an easy-to-follow recipe for a classic strawberry filling. 4. Apple Pie F