Science & Technology
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Science & Technology
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1. Scientists Discover Gene Mutation That Causes Brain Cancer In Children, 2. Genome Editing: What It Is and What It Could Mean for the Future, 3. How CRISPR Is Changing Genetics, 4. Scientists Add a 33rd Human Chromosome to Cells in the Lab,
Evolution is traditionally associated with a process of increasing complexity and gaining new genes. However, the explosion of the genomic era shows that gene loss and simplification is a much more frequent process in the evolution of species than previously thought, and may favor new biological adaptations that facilitate the survival of living organisms. This evolutionary driver, which seems counter-intuitive -- 'less is more' in genetic terms -- now reveals a surprising dimension that responds to the new evolutionary concept of 'less, but more', i.e. the phenomenon of massive gene losses followed by large expansions through gene duplications.
In a new study published in Science, a Belgian research team explores how genetic switches controlling gene activity define brain cell types across species. They trained deep learning models on human, mouse, and chicken brain data and found that while some cell types are highly conserved between birds and mammals after millions of years of evolution, others have evolved differently.
While most animals reproduce sexually, some species rely solely on females for parthenogenetic reproduction. Even in these species, rare males occasionally appear. Whether these males retain reproductive functions is a key question in understanding the evolution of reproductive strategies.
As climate change accelerates, plants face mounting pressure to adapt to shifting ecosystems and environmental conditions. This challenge is especially urgent for crops—plants resilient to drought and heat are essential to secure food supply in an unpredictable future. Fortunately, plants can adapt remarkably well to diverse environments and climates: Arabidopsis thaliana, for example, thrives in regions as climatically distinct as Sweden and Italy.
The results are in. Our personal genetic assessment comes back to us – to what extent have we enhanced our evolutionary well-being. It doesn’t always make for the best of reading. In fact, it can be rather like reliving those school reports we received as a child – could do better; if he applied himself…
A new study by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology (MPI-EB) sheds fresh light on one of the most debated concepts in biology: evolvability. The work provides the first experimental evidence showing how natural selection can shape genetic systems to enhance future capacity for evolution, challenging traditional perspectives on evolutionary processes.
New research on the inner ear morphology of Neanderthals and their ancestors challenges the widely accepted theory that Neanderthals originated after an evolutionary event that implied the loss of part of their genetic diversity. The findings, based on fossil samples from Atapuerca (Spain) and Krapina (Croatia), as well as from various European and Western Asian sites have been published in Nature Communications.