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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
1. 5 Tips for Writing a Compelling Resume - Forbes ( 2. 8 Resume Tips to Help You Land Your Dream Job - The Muse ( 3. How to Make a Resume (with Pictures) - wikiHow ( 4. How to Write an Effective Resume - The Balance Careers ( 5. Video: How to Write a Resume - The Muse ( 6. 10 Resume Writing Tips to Help You Land a Job - TheStreet (
Free session for experienced managers & executives in Europe who are currently looking for a job (or getting ready for it): “Executive Job Market – how to generate interviews in 2025”. How effective is your job search strategy? Crafting a strong CV and maintaining a standout LinkedIn profile is just the starting point. The real […]
O serii: CV-19 oraz zmiany geopolityczne przyspieszyły wiele trendów, w tym (albo zwłaszcza!) te związane z HR i rekrutacją. Firmy, które chcą zatrudnić wartościowych kandydatów – takich, którzy nie rezygnują po 3 miesiącach – muszą zadbać o to, by nadążać za najnowszymi trendami. Co jeszcze ważniejsze: muszą wdrażać nowe strategie we właściwy sposób.
About the series: CV-19 and geopolitical turmoil have accelerated many trends, including (or especially!) those related to HR and recruitment. Companies that want to hire valuable candidates – who don’t quit after 3 months – have to make sure they keep up with the newest trends. What’s even more important: they need to implement new strategies in the right way.
Building solid relationships with coworkers is crucial to fostering a happy and effective work environment in the fast-paced workplace of today. Professional proficiency and effectiveness are important, but job satisfaction and career advancement also heavily depend on interpersonal relationships. Coworkers who are at ease with one another are more likely to be engaged, communicate more
Right now, it feels like the only certain thing about America’s job market is its total uncertainty. Rapid-fire changes out of Washington, D.C. are hitting federal and international development workers and any organization that relies on federal funding hard – really hard. Meanwhile, the j