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Tomato Recipes Tomato recipes are quite popular, as they are a great way to enjoy the flavor of the fruit. Tomatoes are a versatile ingredient, and can be used in a variety of different dishes, from salads to sauces and even desserts. There are many different varieties of tomato recipes, so there is something for everyone to enjoy. The most popular tomato recipes are usually pasta dishes, as tomatoes are a key ingredient in many Italian dishes. Pasta salads are a great way to enjoy the fresh flavor of tomatoes, and can be easily customized with different dressings, cheeses, and vegetables. Tomato sauces are also incredibly popular, as they can be used to top pizzas, pastas, and various other dishes. Tomato soup is another popular recipe, as it is a great way to enjoy the flavor of tomatoes without having to bite into a raw one. Tomato soup can be made with different ingredients such as cream, stock, and various seasonings. It can also be served hot or cold, depending on the preference. Tomatoes can also be used to make a variety of different desserts, such as cakes, pies, and tarts. Tomatoes can also be used to make a unique ice cream, which is

Gongura Chicken Curry Recipe - Andhra Style Gongura Chicken by Archana's Kitchen

Gongura Chicken Curry is Andhra Style Chicken Curry which is a popular in Andhra Pradesh. The Chicken curry is cooked and simmer along with the Gongura masala base which is packed with flavours from simple masala powders which are readily available in your pantry. The addition of roasted methi, coriander seeds and red chillies heightens the flavours of this Gongura Chicken Curry.  The Gongura leaves are tangy and sour in nature and bring in this tanginess to this chicken curry along with south indian spices making it delicious and taste.  Gongura Leaves are also known as Sorrel Leaves in English, pulicha keerai in Tamil, Pundi Palle/Pundi Soppu in Kannada and ambaadi In Marathi. Gongura comes in two varieties, green stemmed leaf and red stemmed. The red stemmed variety is more sour than the green stemmed variety.  We have used the red stem Variety for making Gongura Chicken Curry. Gongura is a very rich source of iron, vitamins, folic acid and antioxidants essential for human nutrition. It is a good source of carbohydrates, fiber and protein. It is also an excellent source of vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, B9  and vitamin C. Serve Gongura Chicken with Ghee Rice, Tomato Onion Cucumber Raita and a Semiya Payasam for a delicious weekend lunch. Try our other interesting chicken curry Recipe Sri Lankan Chicken Curry Recipe Classic Andhra Style Chicken Curry Recipe Chicken Curry With Sweet Potatoes Recipe  Spicy Minced Chicken Keema Balls Curry Recipe