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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Latest News News Title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis nibh in urna pulvinar ultricies. Suspendisse nec tincidunt arcu. Mauris vel enim vel urna pellentesque aliquet. In eu ex sed elit suscipit congue. Integer et eros velit. Sed interdum id eros a commodo. Nullam eget eleifend urna. Suspendisse vulputate lorem vitae ex semper, id tempor neque consequat. News Title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip
Ginny Marvin, the Google Ads Liaison, has confirmed that demographic exclusions will apply to Shopping inventory in Performance Max campaigns. Marvin added that the reporting on how this is shown to advertisers is still to be determined, but the goal is to let advertisers control which age groups can or cannot see the ads.
Who'd a thought it - an engaging EV ad. Instead of the usual guff - "running footage"as my old pal Jerry Judge once put it - of unlikely smoothies speeding along in mobiles disguised as cars, BETC Paris has produced a diverting spin on Spielberg's iconic 'ET' for Citroen's new ë-C4. Directed by Gary Freedman.
What's the betting that Santander UK ends up working with BBH? People were surprised when BBH declined to repitch for Barclays (below) after a 20-year relationship but now owner Publicis Groupe has landed Santander's global creative and media business, one of the biggest account moves of the year so far. At the same time Leo
Mother London's new Uber Eats ad stars Javier Bardem as a villain for whom world domination starts to feel like too much hard work. So what does he do? He orders an Uber Eats and settles down to enjoy a very unlikely TV show. It's the first in a series showing "iconic figures" embracing their