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Science & Technology
Culture & Art
Latest News News Title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut quis nibh in urna pulvinar ultricies. Suspendisse nec tincidunt arcu. Mauris vel enim vel urna pellentesque aliquet. In eu ex sed elit suscipit congue. Integer et eros velit. Sed interdum id eros a commodo. Nullam eget eleifend urna. Suspendisse vulputate lorem vitae ex semper, id tempor neque consequat. News Title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip
Allwyn and VCCP have found a place for the National Lottery among a family’s Christmas traditions, creating a rowdy game of musical Scratchcards around the table as part of a campaign that puts the emphasis on togetherness away from smartphones and other devices. The game idea comes out of customer research about how people play
Norwegian postal service Posten gets its Christmas ads right every year, but this 2024 Netflix-style documentary about the rise and fall of Rudolf surpasses even its own high standards. Reinfall tells the story of how Rudolf is ruined by fame in this dark, funny spot that doesn't forget to include a strong message about Posten's
One of the hardest things for an avowedly creative agency is to keep pulling rabbits out of the hat that surprise: haven't seen that before.. In its seven years of existence (is that all?) Uncommon Creative Studio consistently manages to do this and here, Beats by Dre with Erling Haaland, is another example. A footballer